Tuesday, 1 November 2011

*i LoVe WhAt I dO*

A lots of thing i like to do, like sewing, shopping but especially cooking and baking. i just have a lots of energy when do all that things hihiihihihi. hope my inspired on this will continue forever huhuuh
                                                 Ayam Masak Asam Pedas & sayur goreng

                         Biskut Cornflakes for Hari Raya, dh lame xwt cookies. sdp wooooo.....
sewing is my another skills aka hobby huuuhuh. Gigih beli mold kat Jepun hihii, so ini la hasilnyer.... ada byk lagi tapi lum smpt nk take pic. so wait k:)

Coklat Muffin. i buat nie on my FIL besday. so i bring it over to Rawang, since my husband cousin nak kawin so dieorg pn bkumpul lar kt sana we celebrate it.

                                                        Cuba teka nie ape????...

                                                         Jin mata 1????hhuhuhuhuuhu
                                                     Apekah????? ce teka, ce teka??????

Apam pokla Dot lar huhuhuuh, 1st time buat nie trus bawak g Penang huhuuh. for wedding gak hahahaha.

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ini lah hasilnyerrrrr..................

Ikan Masak Tempoyak.

Ikan Keli goreng cili

So far nie lar yang sempat upload. Byk dah masak n mjahit, tapi xsmpt nk take pic pn huhuhuhu. pape pn Gd Luck to me ;)huhuhuhu