Wednesday, 18 January 2012

- LoVe -

Everyone have their own way to express LOVE, so for me i express my love to ALLAH, my hubby, my parents, my family & my friends with my own way.  so love is universal:) enjoy....


pOlKa DoTs + MaNdY's FaReWeLL

Mmmmm as usual i do what i love, so pe lagi baking larrrr huhuuh. i do this for our lovely PR, Mandy farewell. so sad coz, since i know her she so kind and chantikssssssssssss u olls. mmmm hope you sucessfull in future dear, and if get married, dont forget to invite us k. love ya:)

the colour that i just for this time
 Blueberry filling for Red + green

Strawberry filling for blue + purple

our sweet mandy:)

charles & Keith handbag from MPRN

wif mak bonda huhuhuhuh......sweetttttt sgt:)

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Selangor vs Perak | Liga Super 2012

Hubby i memang fan sangat dengan dari zaman bercinta lagi hihihihi. so bila ada game if xde orang yang dia nak ajak, i la jadi mangsa hihihih. last sturday kiteorang g after balik dari Jalan Tar dengan Udha dengan GIGH nyer hihihihi. Memang sesak dengan orang, game tu kat Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil, PERAK vs SELANGOR on the same day plak ada Badminton so memang giler2 punye sesak. Penyokong Perak memang lah ramai ditambah dengan pemyokong Selangor, so faham2 jer lar keadaan nyer camner hihihi.

Secret Santa:)

Every year our office gonna have an exchange gift or Secret Santa. Emmmmm this year i bagi kt perempuan but for my secret santa he or she gave me this...

Siap ada note lagi " kasi kautim my claim cepat-cepat ya:)" sweet tak????? huhuhuhu THANKS MY SECRET SANTA, I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT SO MUCH.
note: siap ada nama i k kt pen tu huuhu

LaZy SuNdAy huhuhuhu

Ahad yang indah tu kiteorang g jenjalan jap so jenjalan punye jenjalan ttbe ternampak Tutti Fruti, so pe lagi singgah lar for our dessert hihihihi.

Yummy wehhhhh.....

Balik umah gatai xtau nak buat ape huuhuh. so pe lagi Baking time!!!!!yeayy!!! hihihiih,
 i love baking so much:) slalu xde buat yang rumit2 pun just yang simple2 jer. so this time i buat Kek Pisang. xsangka my hubby suke sangat, tapi dia tu ape pun suke hihiiih. love u abang
Dapat resepi dari and just cari Kek Pisang so i pilih resipi yang ini. huhu...

try baking tray baru nie huhuhuh, tu yang mengedik tu hihihi

 Yang ni version muffin, tapi dah dalam oven huhuhu


muffin version:)

Thursday, 12 January 2012


Today, aku rasa stress sangat. Entah lar sebab apa, tapi nak balik tadi ttbe berlaku kejadian yang xsyok. Aku xsangka yang benda gurau dia anggap serius. Agak terasa hati ini dengan statement itu. Aku memang xsengaja tapi name pun manusia kan, tak pernah lari dari buat silap. Ape pun aku mintak maaf pada mereka2 itu. Emo aku terbawak samapai ke rumah. Ni pun masih rasa n terngia2 pe dia cakap. Sedih sangat aku rase. What ever it is life must go on, Pasrah itu menyerah, Redha itu ikhlas. Aku sayang kawan2 aku;)

Monday, 9 January 2012

mY bOdY....

Last Saturday, finally we decided to go and see doctor. Since the day we get married, there's no sign that i will get pregnant. So i'm worried, maybe something inside my body. for the 1st time in my life i do Pap Smear. Nebes gler wehhhh, me n my hubby cm blurrr jer on that time huhuuhu.

Pap Smear is a microscopic examination of cells scraped from the opening of the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina.It is a screening test for cervical cancer.  

How the Test is Performed

You will lie on a table and place your feet in stirrups. The health care provider will insert an instrument (called a speculum) into the vagina and open it slightly to see inside the vaginal canal. Cells are gently scraped from the cervix area, and sent to a lab for examination.

How to Prepare for the Test

Tell your health care provider if you:
  • Are taking any medications or birth control pills
  • Have had an abnormal Pap smear
  • Might be pregnant
Avoid the following for 24 hours before the test:
  • Douching
  • Having intercourse
  • Taking a bath
  • Using tampons
Avoid scheduling your Pap smear while you have your period (are menstruating), because it may affect the accuracy of the Pap smear. If you are having abnormal bleeding, your doctor may still recommend you have the test done.
Empty your bladder just before the test.

How the Test Will Feel

A Pap smear may cause some discomfort, similar to menstrual cramps. You may also feel some pressure during the exam.
You may bleed a little bit after the test.

Why the Test is Performed

The Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. Most cervical cancers can be detected early if women has routine Pap smears and pelvic examinations.
Screening should start at age 21. After the first test:
  • Woman should have a Pap smear ever 2 years to check for cervical cancer.
  • If you are over age 30 or your Pap smears have been negative for 3 times in a row, your doctor may tell you that you only need a Pap smear every 3 years.
  • If you or your sexual partner have other new partners, then you should have a Pap smear every 2 years.
  • After age 65-70, most women can stop having Pap smears as long as they have had three negative tests within the past 10 years.
  • If you have a new sexual partner after age 65, you should begin having Pap smear screening again.
You may not need to have a Pap smear if you have had a total hysterectomy (uterus and cervix removed) and do not have a history of cervical dysplasia (abnormal cells), cervical cancer, or other pelvic cancer.

The Pap smear

After do the Pap Smear, doc said my womb and my ovari is in a good condition. after that she's do a 4D scan to my ovari. the day that i do check up is my 10days of ovulation. it means, that was the best day for check my eggs hhiiihi. after scan, i feel a bit sad coz doctor mention that my eggs is to small for day 10. emmmmm nape cm xfaham lak hihiii. so she explain that the eggs is grow since day 1 we period. so if at day 10 my eggs should be 14mm. But sadly on that day my eggs on that day is only 6.8mm, not even half from it. this problem called PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome dalam bahasa melayu nyer adalah sindrom telur tak matang hahahaha or happens when a woman's ovaries or adrenal glands produce more male hormones than normal. One result is that cysts (fluid-filled sacs) develop on the ovaries. Women who are obese are more likely to have polycystic ovary syndrome.   

Antara symptom2 nye ialah:
1.  Haid tidak teratur (lewat dtg haid or darah haid yang berterusan)(not me).
2. Berat badan berlebihan (it's me)
3. Jerawat tumbuh di muka (sometimes)
4. Bulu2 lebih tumbuh di bahagian muka & badan (ofcz bukan i huhuhuhu)
5. Keguguran rambut (sangat sy huhuhu)

So in 2 weeks i aku kena lose wieight about 8kg. GILER LARRR!!!!! hiihiih. Bleh ker aku buat nie??? rase cm bleh, tp ble tbe bab mknan cm xbleh plak hahahaha. Tapi disebabkan hubby ku memang nak sangat anak. Ku turutkan jua, walaupun seksa weh huhuhuhu. what ever it is chaiyok! chaiyok! for my self. so dalam 2minggu dari 7/1/2012 until 21/1/2012 kite tengok siapa yang kena hihihihihi....... 

Friday, 6 January 2012

GeMbIrA tapi SeDeY

Yesterday i just got news about my SIL, deliver a baby girl. Happy for them but still thinking when is my turn???? Aku sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang Allah berikan cuma terasa seperti tidak lengkap mahligai kami. Pada awal berita, aku seolah2 "lost". Nak kate sedih xnangis pn, nak kate happy pn xsenyum. Hanya Allah je yang tahu pe ada dihatiku. Aku perlu berusaha selagi termampu dan sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T.agar dikurniakan zuriat.. Amin........ Surah AI Imran 3:38 "Wahai Tuhanku! Kurniakanlah kepadaKu dari sisiMu zuriat keturunan Yang baik; Sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa mendengar (menerima) doa permohonan." (Al Imran:38) Surah Al-Anbiya:21:89 "Wahai Tuhanku! Janganlah Engkau biarkan daku seorang diri (dengan tidak meninggalkan zuriat); dan Engkaulah jua sebaik-baik Yang mewarisi." (Al-Anbia’:89) Hanya kepadaMu aku bermohon dan kepadaMu jua aku berserah Ya Allah.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Happy 8th Anniversary 8TV ..................

Arini keje aku serve internet jer hahahaha, coz all the bosses sume xde. Yeayyyy!!!! g east coast for our new project. so bleh la lalalalalalalala ckit. Punye lar tenang ofis nie dari pagi, ttbe ada orang menjerit2 kat luar opis. Aku ingat ada orang kena histeria ker or nak beranak ker. Rupe2 nye geng2 8tv datang tiap ofis for their 8th Year celebration. So ramai gler yang datang kat ofis kiteorang................

Bukan nak makan sangat pun all candy nie, just seronok2 jer time amik hahahaha. Ape pn Happy Besday 8tv;)